South-West Férias
Southwestern tradition
Listed as part of France’s intangible cultural heritage, the férias of the South-West are unmissable festive events in the Landes and Basque regions. Once a bullfighting festival used for commercial purposes, today’s férias have changed their face, but the traditions are still very much alive. From May to November, numerous events are organized in towns and villages. These include the festivities in Dax in the Landes region (45 minutes from the Eurosol campsite) and Bayonne in the Basque country.
The Dax férias 40 km from the campsite
Organized around August 15, Dax’s férias attract no fewer than 500,000 people every year. Dressed in red and white, the “Festayres” (participants) open the festivities in Dax by brandishing their scarves, singing traditional music and finally tying their scarves around their necks, marking the start of several days of festivities.
During the day and in the evenings, the town offers a wide range of events to the rhythm of brass bands, which are a delight for groups of friends and families alike. They can take part in games (beret throwing, pelote basque demonstrations), sample local specialities at picnics and watch the emblematic bullfighting shows. In the evening, the music and dancing go on into the night!